Has your doctor put you on medication for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and/or elevated glucose levels and told you that you will be on these medications for the rest of your life? It happened to me in 2011 and today, my total cholesterol is 132 and my blood pressure is 113 over 70 with no meds!!
Let me tell you a little secret that most doctors don't know... The food that we eat is the main cause of these chronic conditions. So as long as you keep eating the same foods you have always eaten, you will always need medication and you will deal with the side effects, the illness and the medical expenses for the rest of your life. Unfortunately, doctors are not trained on the power of using nutrition to improve your condition. But I am! I cannot promise you that you will get off your medication. But I can help you to give your body the best possible chance to heal itself and when you do, you feel better, you lose weight and your numbers improve naturally!
You owe it to yourself and your love ones to give it a try!